Trudeau’s West Grey accuser was much younger than first thought

Trudeau has become known for using classrooms as a backdrop for photo-opportunities.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau‘s underage accuser was much younger at the time of their relationship than was first thought, her father tells The Chronicle. Some in the public discourse pegged the accusor at 17 years old.  That is inaccurate.

“She was much, much younger than that,” the wealthy Canadian businessman told The Chronicle yesterday. He was not a party to the $2.25 million mutual non-disclosure non-disparagement agreement that she signed, in exchange for her continued silence, on the Wednesday evening of October 9th.

The terms of that agreement prevent both the accuser and Trudeau from acknowledging “any aspect” of that relationship, without triggering a six-to-seven-figure liquidated damages clause.  That penalty starts at $500,000 and scales up, depending on the magnitude of the breach.


The accusor’s father shared with The Chronicle a password-protected digital copy of that agreement, giving us limited access to it for several hours on the condition we would make no copies and not distribute.  Doing so could have jeopardized the terms of the agreement, which imposes damages on either party in the event they acknowledge or discuss the relationship publicly.

He does not believe his discussion of that agreement’s existence is a violation of its terms since he was not a party to it.  He did not acquire the document from his daughter; it was incorrectly CC’d to him on an email between the negotiating parties.

The two engaged in a long and steamy affair on- and off-campus while Trudeau taught drama and French at Vancouver’s prestigious West Point Grey Academy.  He was discovered by his accusor’s father at their family home, which prompted private demands to school administrators that he be removed from his position immediately.

“There was a ‘small settlement’ at the time,” he says, but declined to elaborate.

The relationship was discovered several months after Pierre Trudeau‘s death.  He died on September 28th, and was eulogized by his son on October 3rd — an event that made him a rising political star, around whom much of Canada would swoon.  His students were particularly fawning, friends say.


At the time, the family was told that the school’s standard employment agreement included confidentiality terms that would be binding on Trudeau after his departure.  As a matter of policy, the school does not comment on personnel matters.

Trudeau’s friends at the time say that the typically outgoing and exuberant young man was suffering through a bout of depression following his father’s death in 2000, and his brother’s death in 1997.  They postulate that anything improper was likely a result of his fragile emotional state at the time, not because of any nefarious character trait.

“He was lonely and depressed for months,” one friend told The Chronicle.

At the time, Canada’s age of consent was 14 years old.

In 2008, Prime Minister Stephen Harper had that law changed, raising the age to 16, where the law sits today.  Still, Canada outlaws sex between adults and people younger than 18 when the adult is in a position of responsibility for the wellbeing of that child.

Trudeau’s behavior would have been illegal at the time.

To date, Trudeau has not offered a public denial of The Buffalo Chronicle’s reporting.  Instead, he has instructed his communications staffers to decline to answer those questions and to attack the credibility of this publication.

The Buffalo Chronicle has never — in our entire operating history — been sued for defamation or any other matter.  We have never once received a cease and desist letter from the subjects of any article since we began publishing in 2014.

We have not received such a cease and desist letter from Mr. Trudeau.

Trudeau has used his relatively brief time as a teacher to shape his personal narrative when he first got into politics in 2008.  He has used the experience to shape his political brand, often claiming to have ‘taught math’.


  1. “It’s too shocking to publish just before an election.”
    No it’s not. Canada deserves to know what he did.

    • The facts have to be proven before Canadian publishers can publish this since he is our prime minister. If true, there is no excuse! Regardless, Trudeau gets away with everything else. If true, it’s a shame this woman doesn’t come forward. But then women who do get Crucified. .

      • My, oh my. The USA trying to influence a Canadian election. I’m shocked, I tell you. Shocked. Good try, boys. Don’t you have enough trouble at home to worry about?

          • Why would a Canadian leak this story to one small American news outlet and no Canadian outlets? Why are no sources named, even though Buffalo Chronicles owner Matthew Ricchiazzi claims to have consulted “nearly a dozen” sources in the political sphere? Why did the headmaster (at the time Trudeau was there) of West Point Grey Academy recently publicly declare that Trudeau left on good terms? Why did the Buffalo Chronicle list several writers on its staff who, after being contacted by other journalists, publicly declared they never wrote for the Buffalo Chronicle? Why is there evidence that Buffalo Chronicles owner Matthew Ricchiazzi accepts payment in exchange for printing libelous claims against whomever you like?

            • Trudeau has bought and paid for the Canadian media…at least most of it!
              So of course they will never run this story. Looks good on him. He is a shameful disgrace but it goes to show if you are rich enough you can buy anything including a young victims silence.

              • “Trudeau was depressed at the time.” Give me a break. As one other commentator wrote; Depressed people don’t go around sexually exploiting minors. Pretty weak; that’s all the spin doctors could conceive in their overworked minds?

                • Wonder if claiming to be depressed at the time of his actions would get PAUL BERNARDO the same forgiveness

                • Have you ever heard of antidepressants? Tons of women have postpartum depression after giving birth. Does that give them a free ticket out of a crime? Hell no. Give your head a shake if you really think that it permissible to commit disturbing abuse and crimes. Wonder why many people are messed up ? Because of what they’ve had to endure. Disgusting, gosh !!

                • Meaning because he was depressed at the time does not give him the rights to break the law. There is no special law for Trudeau or anyone else no matter what the circumstances were. Most of us have survived tragical circumstances.

                  • there is no special law for Trudeau? hmmm, then how come he’s getting away with promoting HATE SPEECH in Canada right now? labelling those who refuse to take the nanotech/mrna shots racist/misogenistic/male … coming from a pedophile that may almost be considered a compliment!

                    • Raybones…..quite right!!! J. Trudeau has used slander/defamation of character/hate speech/inciting riots and a bunch of other purposefully orchestrated malicious tactics and should be held accountable. The medical apartheid was created by their gvt. slander, policies, and…..MISINFORMATION. For anyone who says otherwise…..I ask….how many times has the ‘narrative’ been changed? When the science is solid… does not flip flop. It may change over a long period of years as more information is gathered, but it does not flip flop! Is A. Fauci ‘science’….because he acts like it… he is the only reliable scientist in the world……that he is actual ‘science’ itself! Meanwhile, credible and respected scientists and doctors from all over the world have spoken out and questioned the validity of the idea that ‘vaccines’ (which they are not because they do not stop or prevent anyone from getting the infamous ‘virus’) should be the blanket solution for all ages, all health conditions, all people, all over the world…and people like Trudeau and Fauci then run smear campaigns against them….once again…..using slander, defamation of character, hate speech and malice…..seems to be character traits of our PM (and many other world ‘leaders’)….why are we voting in these cads? What does the general population need to go through to learn we need a humble leader who shows through their actions (not their words) their intent?

                • Well said Brian. I have suffered from depression for 2 decades and have never had such sick thoughts as our scumbag PM. I have NO doubt Trudope is guilty of these accusations.

                  Now that him and brain dead wife have announced their separation, he will no doubt go after teenagers once again. He is nothing but a pedophile in disguise. Hopefully he is jailed soon.

                • Rapist needs jailed come forward we will pay yourfine at go fund me .tell your story Sue thescum for forcefully shuttingyou up …with threats …the truth

              • This story was going to be released by the Globe & Mail in Canada the Saturday before the election and Trudeau had his lawyers put a cease and desist order in place to stop it, I think it was 2019

                • I was part of that scandal with what you’re talking about and I can tell you this the story of the cover-up is actually part of the cover up

            • Why would Turdeau (or anyone else on his behalf) pay out $2.5M to get a non-disclosure to prevent the real truth from becoming public knowledge?
              The media doesn’t publish anything Turdeau does not approve. He bought them out for $600M.
              Something, a lot of things, don’t pass the smell test regarding Turdeau. It time to own up to his perversions and resign.

                • They did when they asked him why he left West point grey in such a hurry he run away wouldn’t answer and has had a vendetta against them ever since that’s why he hates them so much and will do anything to stop them from asking any questions

              • No one should be beyond the law but Canada is so stupid, Trudeau runs loose like a wild canyon destroying everything it touches. My heart is with the little girl but I do pray as an adult, she comes forward and discloses the truth. Sick bastards in position of authority should not be protected and we need them held to a higher authority if they are to be head of our nation.

                • The non disclosure would prevent her from speaking out. I believe I read the minimal she would pay is like $500,000 or something like that. it’s in the article.

                • No I’m pretty sure people, including me, spell his Name TURDeau on purpose. The fact that you couldn’t understand this reflects upon your own IQ, and lack the ability to shit outside of the box, meow. 💩

                  • Grammer Cops try to bust me for spelling Joe Bidan with an A, I always say the real one who’s dead now was Biden with an E fake Bidan is with an A. E has tattoos A does not. I dislike Justin Castro but his little grin with his “I was a good Teacher” is pure gold.

                • Your lack of understanding that the spelling was purposefully placed, is funny. Academia isn’t all it’s cut out to be when you can’t understand reality and context.

                • Absolutely he does. Because EVERYONE knows that Justin is nothing but an illegitimate TURD. Go ask the Castros who are also ashamed.

              • Take a look at the Criminal Code of Canada …

                “ 141(1) Every one who asks for or obtains or agrees to receive or obtain any valuable consideration for himself or any other person by agreeing to compound or conceal an indictable offence is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.“

                “Compounding an Indictable Offence”


            • Because he has paid the media here. So what he says gets said or asked. But there is the Rebal News which Trudeau has banned from his media crowed.

            • My oh My ! What a typical Liberal Socialistic response to the article. If it is not true Why is Trudeau not challenging it? Why? Because there must be some truth in it and Trudeau and his Liberal sheep want to protect the shepherd of the pathetic flock.

            • Because the Buffalo Chronicle is true news and our Main Stream media is fake news….CTV, CBC, CNN, MSNBC, all of them…only report what Trudeau tells them to…

              • True and true, all those msm are owned by turdeau gov., yes mr TURdeau with the r come first bfor the letter u bks turdeau is synonyms of a broken thing, we are all brokcen bks of of this nazi evil justin teudeau, but God is not sleeping, justin trudeau will have justice on his face, good people always win. And that humanity must flourish

                • I so agree with this!! Isn’t it about time he just leaves! He is SO corrupt and EVIL!! We have had enough! He will get his just reward!!! YAH knows all and sees all!

            • Your shilling for this child rapist is nauseating at best. His best friend and former college roomate was also a pedophile. Christopher Charles Ingvaldson was arrested and CONVICTED of running an international child pornography ring. Trudeau also pardoned pedophiles under the guise of “gay rights” One of those pedos was former education minister of Ontario and architect of the child grooming pedo cirriculum being forced onto gradeschools all over Canada now. HIs name was Ben Levin. Levin was arrested and convicted of not only raping his own daughters, but also trying to procure more kids to rape in an online incest chat room.

              • Toker Talk…..the information you shared needs to be known by all. May it spread it’s seeds across the lands so all become aware.

            • Paul, the reason why they would report it to American outlets instead of Canadian I thought would be quite clear.
              The Canadian outlets are all controlled by Justine Trudeau and he is working hard at discrediting any independent news sources.
              The only option left is outside sources.

            • Because our state funded media in canada is bought and paid for. Are you backing a dirty racist pedophile… typical liberal waste of flesh

            • Bevause Trudeau owns the state news in Canada. Because of this has control over all the news.
              I believe the news. His father had a foundation that helped poor boys.
              What do u think this foundation was hiding such like the Clintons
              Time to wake up

            • If it truly is libelous. Bring on the lawsuit or shut your f’n mouth with conjecture and innuendo. You paid shill.

            • All major Canadian news outlets are financed with federal money. They will not publish a negative storey about their employer (defund the CBC). The story has circulated on smaller news outlets but they are hard to find.

            • I hope you are now not expecting us to buy your crap buddy. Since almost 4 years have passed since your post, do you still believe that Justin isn’t anything but EVIL?

            • LOL Why is there no sources whatsoever to accompany Paul’s claims in trying to smear The Buffalo Chronicles’ name and reputation ??? Is he trying to get a lawsuit from The B.C ???

            • Oh no good boyñ Justin T. Would never do anything so corrupt he’s much too righteous and way too honest. That’s why he’s still our prime minister

            • Maybe the reason,Canadian Media fail to report anything negative on Trudeau because of their agreement…it’$ a financial $upport thing supposedly….you know,it’$ called”Funding” and that somehow make$ it legal(but far from moral)

            • This story was about to be released by the Globe and Mail just before the election and Trudeau had his lawyers invoke a cease and desist order and the story was never printed. Canadians deserve to know the truth about this guy before he ruins our country!

            • first of all, this is a canadian publication.


          • Interestingly, I have pictures of Justin Trudeau & Sophie wearing what looks like ankle monitors…

        • What about Obama’s endorsement. Foreign interference at its best. A newspaper publishing facts is not interference it is information.

        • #MeToo has limits huh? Mindless idolatry isn’t a good look Monica, and perhaps you should consider the impact that a rogue teacher might have on his student. Or was she asking for it?

          Broken trust has a way of causing long term psychological damage. The perpetrator needs help – he may be suffering from a narcissistic personality disorder/borderline sociopathy and might hurt other people.

          But hey, as long as the Liberals get into power it’s all good? Shame on you.

        • Utter nonsense. This was documented. If you want to whine about US interference in our elections look at history and how it has always been the Democrats (Kennedy and Obama for example) who interfere to help the corrupt liberals.

        • I don’t know if this is true or not but there is a way to find out. Its called investigative journalism. There is no excuse for not searching for the truth even though its hard and the result may be inconvenient for all those Liberals out there.

        • You sound goofy… he had sex with a 15 year old.. even his friends didnt deny it but offeded rationalizations… yeah..if im grieving major losses in my life its not going to turn me into a pedophile. Yoire really one of those ppl that follows so blindly? No wonder iur country is Fucked! Sheeple

        • So the fact that this money was proven to have been withdrawn from his escrow account, The fact the PMO’s office has stated ‘He was in Vancouver at the time to deal with a personal legal matter’ and this was the same week ‘both Sophie and his wedding ring started to vanish’ Is also ‘Election interference’ Bad enough when someone covers up an incident such as this..But also ‘Shame on a person like yourself that makes excuses for their behavior’ !

        • Trouble?! Like what? Their economy being better than it’s been in decades? The highest employment rate for Blacks and Hispanics ever in the history of the US? Peace between the USA and North Korea when before President Trump reached out war between the two countries was pretty much certain? African Americans and Hispanics are switching from Democrat to Republican by the millions because they finally realize that it’s been the Democrats who’ve been keeping their communities in poverty all these years. They LOVE Trump because they know that he loves all Americans equally, unlike this corrupt lying sexual predator putz who’s stacked the deck by filling up our country with millions of low skilled third world liberal voters because they can move to Canada and receive free health care, Child benefits and welfare. It’s people like you who support this criminal who’s ruining Canada that should be locked up in the same cell as him when he’s finally arrested (because he will be) Then the two of you can use your combined IQ’s of 100 to figure out crossword puzzles.

        • Hope non of you support this piece of shiznit!! Trudeau rapes and murders children….what part of that are people not getting! He murdered the Shermans, was involved in the Pickton Pig Farm snuff movies and was involved in SNC Lavolin scandal! He is trying to make us a new China! He needs to GO BYE BYE!!

        • Another person who refuses to see trudeau for what he is. Look up christopher ingvaldson. #metoo

        • You mean Like Obummer did before our last election? Flapping his gums praising Posterboy??? Birds of a feather flock together. Can anyone say pizza???

        • Canadian media are unable to publish the truth about Justin Trudeau because they have a gag order not to and are controlled by the Liberal Gocernment. Simple as that Monica. Try to keep you, nobody creates these stories, Trudeau is the author of his own history❗

        • Monica: Providing legitimate information that was already well know for quite some time is not influencing an election. It does not take a rocket scientist to grasp Trudeau has serious issues. Fast forward to mothers day 2020. CBC news Trudeau telling parents to leave the room so he can talk to their children. Telling Children to call him so his friends and himself can help them with their homework. Anyone with brain activity should reel backwards on that one for numerous reasons first being how would a Prime Minister in the middle of a plandemic (I spell that way intentionally) have time to tutor Children? Second anyone tell me to leave the room so they can talk to my child who is not a clinical psychologist one should look very suspect upon no matter what their position. Child pedophiles seem to be rampant these days. Trudeau as his mother has had a long history of mental issues that should never be ignored. Until Canadians wake up this country is in very serious trouble. Ever wonder why he lowered the penalties for child molestation?

          • We have the highest rate of child trafficking in the world now since Justin Castro got in. You are right good luck finding that clip now of him asking to be left alone with children. His helpline for kids is highly suspect. Being as parents have mentally checked out thanks to this plandemic and child sexual abuse has skyrocketed. Our kids are more vulnerable and in danger more so than ever in history. This pedo joke of a PM needs to be locked up!

          • Hmmm. My husband and my father died 13 days apart. I was quite depressed. My Dr had to give me sedatives to put me to sleep so i could function and get the much needed rest to be strong for my children. To plan 2 funerals. During that depression it did not once dawn on me to take advantage of anyone. In anyway. Older or younger than myself. You cannot use depression as an excuse to get away with statutory rape. Or any other crime.

            • My husband and my 90-yr-old father died the same day (11/3/20, US Election Day), approximately the same time 4:30 a.m. PST & 7:30 a.m. EST.

              I wonder if there were “legitimate” votes cast for each of them, both registered Republicans in their respective states, CA & KY?

              • P.S. Although these facts threw me for a loop, and are still hard to fully grasp, I also was not tempted to act out my grief on youngsters (I was also a young victim of sexual abuse).

        • Ya but it’s okay for obama to come to Canada and endorse and promote trudeau just before the last election? Well, if that’s not interfering and trying to influence another countries election, then what is?

        • Turdo used taxpayer dollars to bribe the liars of the media up here. No news source except perhaps Rebel would report this. What about turdo trying to influence not only elections but public perceptions? Huh?

        • Wow didn’t know the father of said victim is an American. Learn something new every day from INSANE LIBERALS

        • That is the question every sane person is asking.
          Coercion , bribery, propaganda and censorship are not tools used by good guys. Here when he was ask by the reporter question about
          Point Grey Academy in Vancouver

        • Influence an election, really? Like Canadian company Dominion Voting Systems which ran the sham US election, where the shadow government’s senile candidate Biden was foisted on America, aided by bribery and sex blackmail, fake news, and attacking truth-telling patriots.

          • Dominion Voting Systems is not a Canadian company. The majority share holder is Maple Street Investments which is a private New York investment company that purchased controlling shares in 2018.

        • Dominion Voting Systems, Canadian company, ran the fraudulent American election that put Asshole into the White House, after The Donald restored our economy and national pride.

        • Blame your “communist” leader’s child rape charges on Trump??? Good try! That’s why Americans are free and sheep like you are being rounded up for the slaughter… wake up and smell the WOKE 💩 coming from your own ignorant mouth!

        • This pedophile should be in jail and you are worried about a ( likely) rigged election shame on you and all your communist Liberal; friends.

        • FYI this is a canadian publication. the reason it isnt on mainstream media is because TURDeau PAYS THEM ALL to report on what he wants them to and not what he doesnt. its too bad this didnt get out more widely, we could have saved ourselves of a lot of economic disaster if it had.

        • It’s ok if the PRC interferes with 2 Canadian elections favouring Trudeau? Anybody who’s anybody knows of this incident. If this was a right wing leader, it would be plastered everywhere.

      • she cant come forward she sign the agreement. not too…. also that fact justin didnt sue proves he did do it. also the fact there is a NDA.

      • I’m from Vancouver it was the worst kept secret he was doing this. A retired RCMP sergeant friend of mine also knew this incident and we regaled each other with memories of this nefarious political laughingstock. I don’t know anyone my age who voted for him. He got the pot vote and I got nice hair vote plain and simple. He’s a dolt.

      • You must have missed this: The terms of that agreement prevent both the accuser and Trudeau from acknowledging “any aspect” of that relationship, without triggering a six-to-seven-figure liquidated damages clause. That penalty starts at $500,000 and scales up, depending on the magnitude of the breach. But as it was written about in a Buffalo newspaper, to me, all bets are off & sockboy belongs in jail, but he always manages to skate on his oh, so many legal infractions, the WE scandal, SNC Lavalin, the illegally unnecessarily invoked Emergency Measures, and so many other laws he’s broken & barely gotten his wrist slapped.

      • Fidel Castro’s son will most likely face the same fate as many American Politicians have faced, enough rope to hang them with. He may have faced the executioner already.

    • If you have information about the would be again leader of Canada, Canadians have a right to know and you have a journalistic responsibility to ensure that they know…

    • I invite everyone to read the fact-checking done on this alleged “inappropriate relationship with a student” at . There is also an exposé by The Star on the Buffalo Chronicle at , in which the article states, “The Star obtained evidence that the owner of the Buffalo Chronicle, In a 2010 email obtained by the Star and BuzzFeed News, [Buffalo Chronicle owner Matthew] Ricchiazzi asked if a local political candidate wanted to purchase content in The City Politic, another website he runs. “Fees are as follows: positive articles about your candidacy are $200; negative articles about your opponents are $400; and an editorial endorsement is $300,” the email read.”

      I can’t say that I trust the Buffalo Chronicle (or The Global Informer, which links to Buffalo Chronicle) as a reliable news source. I am forced to assume that they are being paid to spread damaging (and likely false) rumours about Justin Trudeau. Take care everyone.

      • Your assertion simply doesn’t pass the smell test, what we do know for certain is that Trudeau is using Canada’s publicly funded broadcaster, the CBC, as his personal propaganda machine and that hes has a $600 million slush fund to reward media that he likes. Trudeau is running Canada like a banana republic, he is on his way out and the revelations here have been helpful, Canadians are indebted to the Chronicles.

        • Would you trust Agence France-Presse (AFP), the world’s oldest news agency, which also happens to be Facebook’s official fact-checking partner? They also fact-checked this story and found it to be baseless:

          For what it’s worth, I’ve read Snopes for years and find their fact-checking to be orders of magnitude more credible than The Buffalo Chronicle or Global Informer, both of whom refuse to provide any concrete evidence to back up their claims. That’s not saying that Snopes has never made any mistakes, however.

          As I mentioned, I am not particularly political, I am not affiliated or associated to any political party in any way. I just hate baseless defamation.

          • Fact checking websites are another tool of the powerful and corrupt, with personal agendas, grow your own brain instead.

            • Fact-checking websites, as in any other information source, simply provide people with information and references to back up that information. It is up to the reader to determine whether they deem it factual or not. Your insinuation that all fact-checking websites are corrupt is interesting. By your logic, you should not trust any source whatsoever and just imagine whatever outcome you like.

              And thank you for the insult. 😉

              • no your so called “fact-checking” websites are created with the sole intent of trying to silence truth about subjects powerful people don’t want you to talk about. You are either incredibly naive or a disinformation shill….. and not a very smart one at that!!!

            • It sounds read to me. Why did the school let him go suddenly in the middle of the year. The school was also protecting their reputation by not talking about it.

              • He didn’t leave in the ‘middle’ of the school year. That’s completely false. He finished the school year in June, like all teachers, and moved on in the next school year. He worked there for 2.5 years…but the ‘half’ year part was his first year b/c he started there in January to cover a maternity leave…then he worked 2 full years after that, ending at the normal time in June.

          • Meta deflection – I care less if your newspapers are hamstrung. This newspaper published the comments obtained from the blacked-up paedophile’s victim’s father who could comment as the NDA did not apply to him.

            You don’t address this, shame!

          • Snopes is run by a man and a woman (fact check that!) without pedigree or authority of any kind whatsoever. Only illiterate idiots believe Snopes.

          • Okay your fact checking skills are admirable.
            If this story didn’t happen, WHY would our Crime Sinister not issue a cease and desist order, or sue, the BC? I am sure he could of pulled enough out of this paper to pay his NDA. Also WHY was the TURD DISMISSED from Grey’s not even half way through a term?
            You see what you want to see.
            Dig deeper.

          • FACT: Snopes is bought and paid for.. It’s a political tool, used for The Left. Do your research and look up who owns Snopes AND AFP..
            I’ll be completely honest, I don’t know how reliable The Buffalo Chronicle is, but I do know that the two sources you state as referrals are extremely biased and left leaning..

        • It’s been reported that it was purchased by Soros OSF, which has the truest ring. In SA, he apparently controls Africa Check that is very close to government/media

          • Believe it or not …. Soros Foundations is the money machine behind Trudeau. It is a well known fact that this is the engine behind the deterioration of Venezuela! He is now backing Trudeau, think about it, where do you think the Liberal Government is obtaining all this money from! I have no doubt in my mind that Justin Trudeau did indeed violate a young girl, as several indications have led to that knowledge. It has also been acknowledged that he was involved with the horrendous disappearance of many young woman and children of native descendants and the “Highway of Tears” in British Columbia. Trudeau also appeared before the Tribunal for “Crimes Against Humanity” in September 16, 2019. My opinion only …. I would say this is a very dangerous individual Snopes can debunk all he wants, a lot of this information is easy to find by a simple google.

          • That’s alright then. I’m sure the victim’s father has a personal axe to grind against your black-faced paedophile, right? I mean if some teacher took advantage of your “much much younger than 17” year old whilst in their care I’m sure you’d be cool with it. Right?

            The ends justify the means – and another child gets sacrificed for the common good.

        • The pedovores are moving to Brazil. The Queen is the Queen of the pedovores and all inbred totality are guilty as f

      • Snopes is a widely debunked globalist paid for damage control website run by a couple out of their home.

        The Toronto Star is a far left liberal bought off & paid for Trudeau government publication. Paid for by Trudeau stealing $600M of Canadians tax dollars to put out fake news on a mass scale as well as censor conservative values, ideas & opinions.

        Also, The Toronto Star as well as our state broadcaster CBC receives millions for the Qatar government to push the Muslim Brotherhoods agenda of Islamism in Canada.

        You should really look into your sources of information friend.

        • Would you trust Agence France-Presse (AFP), the world’s oldest news agency, which also happens to be Facebook’s official fact-checking partner? They also fact-checked this story and found it to be baseless:

          For what it’s worth, I’ve read Snopes for years and find their fact-checking to be orders of magnitude more credible than The Buffalo Chronicle or Global Informer, both of whom refuse to provide any concrete evidence to back up their claims. That’s not saying that Snopes has never made any mistakes, however.

          As I mentioned, I am not particularly political, I am not affiliated or associated to any political party in any way. I just hate baseless defamation.

          • So Trudeau may be guilty of statutory rape according to the victim’s father – any thoughts on that? Stop deflecting meta-points and address the main issue.

            Canada is being run by a corrupt, black-faced, paedophile. But he’s liberal so it’s all good.

      • Really…SNOPES??? HAHHAHA… Paul you need to do your own research instead of reading the first thing that pops up from a google search.

      • Snopes s bullsh*t .
        You didn’t know this about snopes?

        what’s wrong with so many people today?
        fy**en stupid. Too brainwashed by the MSM

      • My Dear Paul…First off, no respectable scholar or researcher uses snopes to verify anything.
        Secondly, you’re trusting what the Star reports on The Buffalo Chronicle as bonafide, and truthful?
        The Toronto Star that receives $115,000 a week from the Liberal media slush fund? The Toronto Star whose job it is to debunk any or all accusations about Trudeau – from in particular the B/C, as false? And, I highly doubt the B/C is being paid to spread damaging/false rumours – especially about JT. So far the Buffalo Chronicle has been on the money.
        BTW…I personally recommend you not read ipolitics either…they are also owned by Torstar…and they smear the B/C as well…of course they have to .. ipolitics is being paid to lie to you – Joe Public!

      • Every source you quote is a hard left rag. Even Snopes. Of Course they support Trudope, they will lie through their teeth to advance their leftist Globalist agendas.

            • I was expecting a strongly biased article, but it appears to have been carefully and thoughtfully written. Thanks for sharing. I’m not sure if you’ve read the entire article, but it provides some praise to For one, it quotes a Forbes editor as saying “I generally consider them [] the best of the bunch in terms of the fewest obvious errors.” The article author also adds, “Generally speaking, has not been brazenly partisan”.

              That said, it does highlight that *some* “facts” can be highly subjective (such as gender issues and political promises), and that in some cases the fact-checkers exhibit political bias. Fair enough. That however does not mean that we should disregard all fact checking sites! In the final analysis, we must carefully read their analysis, like anyone else’s, and weigh it alongside our own research then make our own decisions about what we feel is “true” or “false.” Take care.

      • Snopes is good for debunking urban legends and rumors of Bigfoot sightings, but when it comes to political matters, it is a good heuristic to believe the exact opposite of what any ‘fact check’ claims.

      • If it’s on Snopes, you can be sure it is of dubious accuracy. I’ve seen too many of their assertions later debunked.

      • You can also “only assume” that $2.5 million was “not” withdrawn from Trudeau’s escrow account to pay his “legal fees”? Why oh why do you people continue to support the father of lies?

      • Haha using The Toronto Star ….another bought and paid for Liberal mouth piece. The Star is the biggest media whore out there. Bought and paid for and unabashedly Liberal at every turn.


      • Read my comments about how me and a retired RCMP officer buddy of mine knew about this pervert most of Vancouver and law enforcement knew about this worse kept secret.

      • Lisa LaFlamme?! Lay off the wine! I know it’s your comment by the similarity with your innovative journalism.

    • That picture of Trudeau in front of a blackboard with advanced maths is a photo-op, there’s no way he knows any of it! His cleverest move was the sappy slogan “sunny ways”.

    • Oops! I forgot, a NDA that claims “liquidated damages” of $500,000, etc, is a misuse of liquidated damages. It’s most common and properly used in commercial transaction cases, where. say, a supplier buys equipment and materials that are nonreturnable for a customer who does not follow thru on a project, like a construction job, liquidated damages is the costs the supplier incurred and that they are entitled to be paid for!

    • Yes, Canada has a right to know!
      Since when is depression and being lonely an excuse for molesting a child? Unreal…….just unreal.

      • And why did the school let him go in the middle of the year. Trudeau said he was going back to University but he took a job in another school.. The school won’t say anything because they have to protect their reputation.

    • This article needs to be resurfaced so Canadians can read what a pig this man really is
      How in gods name can any Canadian respect this man let alone regard him as the leader of our country.
      What if your 14 year daughter was in a sexual relationship with a 29 year old man. A teacher to boot.
      If it was a female teacher we know she would be in jail.

    • His brother was charged with similar violations. Justin has also changed the laws around the age and anal sex. The crime was punishable until Justin decided he was going to de-criminalize such actions.

    • Absolutely we deserve the right to know. I’m appalled to think something like this is running my country. And bedsides has nothing to do with fathers death was before his father died this crap act of his went on.

    • Jenna Quelch “coincidentally” was hired as a policy advisor for the Canadian Govt till late summer 2021. Justin and Sophia were having difficulties that winter which carried on though to their divorce filing Aug 23. Oh, did I mention that Jenna (see West Point Grey Academy) was also working for the WE charity ( or should I say, scandal) before she became the Policy Advisor. What a joke JT is.

    • Absolutely gob smacked that the Government didn’t allow this information about Trudeau being a peadofile and paying hush money to a then 15 year old girl at the academy he taught prior to the 2015 election. Seriously is there any integrity at all in our government? Who protects someone like this? How do they sleep at night knowing that because they didn’t let our people know all of this information we are now suffering at a dictators hands today. Literally millions going to food banks, Canadians losing their homes and drugs ramped in our streets. Canada is harbouring terrorists and Nazis and flooding our streets with immigrants and literally paying them family allowances and welfare which allows them to make more than our own working citizens. Grow some balls and turn this man in, he belongs behind bars not dancing and singing on one. He is a communist puppet.

    • This is why he wants to lower the age of consent to 14 Again, a shamed of this PM, hope he is gone on Oct 22nd.🇨🇦 Proud again.

    • You mean the article IMPLIES she was 14 or 15. An article cannot “infer” anything. You as the reader do the inferring. An article does the implying.

    • I invite everyone to read the fact-checking done on this alleged “inappropriate relationship with a student” at . There is also an exposé by The Star on the Buffalo Chronicle at , in which the article states, “The Star obtained evidence that the owner of the Buffalo Chronicle, In a 2010 email obtained by the Star and BuzzFeed News, [Buffalo Chronicle owner Matthew] Ricchiazzi asked if a local political candidate wanted to purchase content in The City Politic, another website he runs. “Fees are as follows: positive articles about your candidacy are $200; negative articles about your opponents are $400; and an editorial endorsement is $300,” the email read.”

      I can’t say that I trust the Buffalo Chronicle (or The Global Informer, which links to Buffalo Chronicle) as a reliable news source. I am forced to assume that they are being paid to spread damaging (and likely false) rumours about Justin Trudeau. Take care everyone.

        • I am not particularly political, I am not affiliated or associated to any political party in any way. Which of course means I am not Gerald Butts, though I find that suggestion quite amusing. I’m just trying to fight disinformation.

      • Why didn’t Trudeau sue them. Not a word from Trudeau denying this. Sound pretty true to me. Wouldn’t be surprised if there was a lot more like the groping of a reporter and him saying that if he would have known that she was a reporter he wouldn’t have done it. How much more groping did he do. So much wrong with Trudeau. And just remember Trudeau is the one that paid the media not to publish bad things about him. The father probably went to a Canadian media and they refused to print it.

    • The Buffalo Chronical did. However, without providing any sources to their claims, this story comes accross as rumours. If it is true, the Buffalo Chronical is a strange choice of papers for the father to approach.

      I don’t like Trudeau, and I want to see him gone. But, unless we get some credible sources on this story, I think that we will have to hope that all of the other proven issues are enough to sway voters.

      • No liable lawsuit from the Liberal Party or PM says a lot, as the CBC is suing a federal party for fair use on public paid programming and was front page news, as well the CBC and the red star contacting this agency to pee pee slap them for taking interest in Canadian politics, and only those two outlets? Sounds a lot like something’s afoot.

        Sometimes cases are cracked by it’s not what they say or do but it’s what they don’t.

      • Why did Trudeau go to courts and stop the Globe and Mail from publishing an article about this a couple weeks ago /

      • I agree with the unsubstantiated claims part. As for his re-election, he would be *much* better than the climate change denier American Scheer.

        • This is why we are done as a country, voters who would take a groper, diddler, liar whom can’t string a sentence over someone who looks at country viability over a “climate emergency” that they have predicted every 20 years since 1900 that never come true. But no one can find out that CO2 doesn’t have anything to do with global heat retention (Jurassic period CO2 3300ppm global temp @23 avg, currently about 450ppm) or what taxing us for it will do to help the environment, didn’t know Mother Earth or Gia as you weirdos call it took cash?
          Once again this is the country I live in now.

          • You can add to that glorious list of egregious frauds the current con a virus plandemic live exercise scam, funded by none other than Bill “Eugenecist” Gates and starting GAVI, Turdreau, Teddy Tam (as Extras), deadly-pathogen financier Fauxi, and that sinister organization ID2020. If you are ever invited to spend your tax dollars wisely, by “getting tested” or “taking the vaccine in an “abundance of caution” just refuse. Oh, and don’t file your taxes, either. See what these cucks will do then, when 24 million Canucjs give them the bird.

        • Oh, please. No one denies climate change. We deny that the cause is human CO2 emissions. There is no proof of that and a lot of credible challenges to the claim. You have been duped. If you want proof, I csn give you dozens of references, but I suspect that “truth ” does not really interest you.

      • Trudeau has no problems sicking his lawyers on non MSM reporters,why not the buffalo Chronicle if the story is false?

      • Luciferians like Trudeau have access to unlimited credit, which means once they are appointed by their Committee and its handlers to run the Corporation of Canada, they have absolutely no responsibility, legal or otherwise, to citizens on the citizenship controlled by their passports into and out if that Corporation’s jurisdiction. Therefore, my friend, voting or not voting for Trudeau or any other rigged election participant, is a complete waste of your time and mine.

  2. I agree that if you have the information, that objective and free journalism demands the information be printed before the election. It is in the public interest to not elect a potential child abuser and the public be properly informed when making their vote.

  3. Sounds about right. Pedo’s be peddling and no actual reporting from Canada, just CBC upset they got scooped or should I say the truth came out they were hiding like how global had Trudeau in blackface on file but didn’t report it until someone else did. CBC is a joke that costs more than 2000 tomahawk cruise missiles a year. The feral government, sorry Freudian slip, I mean federal government is at war with the Canadian public if they spend that much per year for propaganda and yellow non reporting. We can’t have a standing army unless they are for digging Quebec out of snow because no money, we can’t have proper healthcare because of no money, Vets can’t have healthcare at all because no money, but CBC NEEDS this 2 billion? Then sues political leaders for “fair use” on public paid programming? What’s was that CBC about ex PM Harper muzzling whom? Whom broke contracts with the Conservative party last election for production of commercials and kept the money? Ya bullshit right from the bulls ass. Let’s vote little potato groper out and shut that CBC down. How can our media falsely go after Trump for being sexist and a groper when our PM is a verifiable deviant? It’s an embarrassment to me as a Canadian and I’ve got nothing to do with either of them.

  4. How interesting that an obscure media web site from Buffalo would be sourced to discuss matters pertaining to the Prime Minister. Even more interesting is that the article is not attributed to any one writer. One would think if an article such as this is to be held out for all to read, that the author would stand as being responsible for what is presented.

    How clever as well, you claim to keep matters confidential to prevent violence against the PM in the waning days of the election. Give me a break. The fact of the matter is that the content of the article infers a context which would certainly add to the security concerns you profess to want to avoid.

    • It’s common in times of political strife for actual reporters to “pass” on stories to other countries to report anonymously if there is a chance of repression or repercussions for breaking the story. You think that in China if a reporter found something out they would print it in the China paper in his/her name? If untrue there are legal options like liable or slander, but no court case yet which is more damning to PM. You are very good at using words but fail to realize how bad things really are. Just look at Jody Wilson Raybold, But you sound as though you are a paid representative of CBC so things probably are pretty good for you.

    • With hundreds of millions of Canadians own money Trudeau has bought the silence of our once free press. Trudeau is a traitor to Canadians outside Quebec.

    • The rest of the MSM is so called Fakenews, they are owned by the 6 biggest multinationals in the world who also own the banks and who decide who is in government and MP, the only thing they fear is a woken population, who know their votes don’t matter.
      The votes are rigged, or a certain percentage of it, so surprise the bastards Canada, and throw that pedo Trudeau out.

      • If, come rigged election time, every Canaduan resident and citizen refused to vote at all, and this was made fully public. What would the “results” show?

  5. I have heard this story for years, from a well placed source.
    I have no doubts about the veracity of the Buffalo Chronicle article, it confirms what I have been told.

  6. Folks, this “news story” has been revealed to be pure fiction. Whether we like Trudeau or not is one thing; this is truly a website that makes up its facts, and in this case, story.

  7. CBC, Toronto Star, Globe & Mail some of the papers being paid by the Trudeau gov’t 6million to post propaganda so lets stop all the lie’s about The Buffalo Chronicle. Then you have CBC receiving 2.5 Billion of taxpayer money every year for what LIES!!

    • Funny, I just read that all of PostMedia’s news papers/sites were forced to write editorials promoting the Conservatives.

      • Oh my! Just so you know Paul, I’m Peter, I’m they guy the liberals steal from to pad your pocket. You haven’t brought any valid points that already have been chewed up by facts on this comment board and others. If this is untrue, all the proven lying and groping and breaking of Canadian law is just the reason to shill this PM? Right Paul? Right CBC?

        • You have a good sense of humour (I’m not being sarcastic). I’m not saying Trudeau has never lied or skewed the truth or broken the law. I’m only saying that, from everything I’ve seen so far, this article strongly appears to be baseless libel.

  8. Trudeau would be doing something to shut these guys down if it wasn’t true. I believe he may have screwed up big time. It sounds like he wasn’t thinking anything about what he was doing as the child sounded consensual but a child still doesn’t know her mind at that age and Trudeau should have known better if he was the teacher. Trudeau needs to charge this paper if they are in fact spreading rumors
    or at the very least demand a public retraction.

    • He can’t..if he charges this paper with libel, how does he explain the factual, publically provable settlement?

  9. I have posted an image of what appears to be the record from the British Columbia College of Teachers hearing May 30, 2002. I have posted it under this article on the Buffalo Chronicle’s Facebook page.

    • Wow, the evidence keeps piling up, Trudeau is finished even if he can hide this until after the election, even Liberals are not going to tolerate a diddler PM.

    • The evidence you posted doesn’t demonstrate any link with Justin Trudeau.

      I invite everyone to read the fact-checking done on this alleged “inappropriate relationship with a student” at . There is also an exposé by The Star on the Buffalo Chronicle at , in which the article states, “The Star obtained evidence that the owner of the Buffalo Chronicle, In a 2010 email obtained by the Star and BuzzFeed News, [Buffalo Chronicle owner Matthew] Ricchiazzi asked if a local political candidate wanted to purchase content in The City Politic, another website he runs. “Fees are as follows: positive articles about your candidacy are $200; negative articles about your opponents are $400; and an editorial endorsement is $300,” the email read.”

      I can’t say that I trust the Buffalo Chronicle (or The Global Informer, which links to Buffalo Chronicle) as a reliable news source. I am forced to assume that they are being paid to spread damaging (and likely false) rumours about Justin Trudeau. P.S. I am not a very political person, but I feel strongly against those that spread misinformation, for whichever party or individual it may be.

      • I invite you to do a little background check on SNOPES. They are certainly NOT a reliable fact checking site and have more than a couple of skeletons in their closet.

        Furthermore…, do you not find it curious that the Toronto Star would fall back on the “fake news” crutch instead of actually debunking the articles with verifiable facts?

        Just stand back and take a look at the hogs feeding at the $600,000,000 pig trough and ask yourself if the CBC and the Toronto Star can be taken seriously.

        One thing’s for certain. The Buffalo Chronicle isn’t one of the hogs at the trough.

        Nice try though!

        • “Toronto Star would fall back on ‘fake news’ […] instead of debunking […] with verifiable facts.”

          Verifiable facts? This blatant misinformation article alleges that there is a non-disclosure agreement; please propose how one can go about proving that a document does not exist?

          There is an age-old adage in legal circles that goes like this: “the burden of proof lies on the accuser.” On a philosophical level, there is a reason for that: one who denies that a thing did not exist or did not happen cannot prove because the nature of proof is that there cannot be proof of a non-event; so, the one who alleges that something existed or happened has the burden of proving it.

          This so-called paper has the burden of proving that an NDA exists and was designed to silence a would-be accuser. However, this alarming joke of a paper slyly got around the adage by claiming that it cannot disclose the NDA out of concern for its sanctity.

          Pure and utter rubbish.

        • Would you trust Agence France-Presse (AFP), the world’s oldest news agency, which also happens to be Facebook’s official fact-checking partner? They also fact-checked this story and found it to be baseless:

          For what it’s worth, I’ve read Snopes for years and find their fact-checking to be orders of magnitude more credible than The Buffalo Chronicle or Global Informer, both of whom refuse to provide any concrete evidence to back up their claims. That’s not saying that Snopes has never made any mistakes, however.

          As I mentioned, I am not particularly political, I am not affiliated or associated to any political party in any way. Which of course means I am not Gerald Butts, though I found that suggestion quite amusing. I just hate baseless defamation.

        • You left out the $2,2000,000,000 pig trough. Stop paying taxes! Stop filing! Stop voting! Stop watching the lying media! Enjoy your life! Thank God for what you have!

      • Okay Paul, can you tell us why Trudeau has made no move to sue the Buffalo Chronicle for defamation? Believe me, this greedy, grasping individual would be banging on his lawyers’ doors in pursuit of a pay out.

        • Great question. I’m not a political strategist, but I can only assume it’s been discussed in some way and that the pros and cons of such a lawsuit would have been weighed. I certainly think that, based on the evidence I’ve seen, The Buffalo Chronicle should be taken to court for libel. But the fact that it is an American “news” outlet presumably complicates the matter.

  10. The fact that no law suit has been filed is meaningless. I person may choose not to sue because it only causes the slander to be repeated, even if it is false. Why waste the time and money. There are also legal issues. Defamation law in the United States gives greater protection to defendants concerning statements involving public figures. It isn’t enough that statements were false, the offended person has to prove they were published with actual malice. The same standard does not apply in Canadian law. There would also be jurisdictional issues of having a Canadian court deal with defamation involving a foreign internet publication

    • True there is not absolute proof of the allegation however the pieces all fit so neatly, compound that with the fact that Justin’s fame loving wife refuses to be seen with him this election and no excuse is proffered…it becomes clear that it is most probable the allegations are indeed true.

    • Absolutely wrong, by your own logic once defamed you won’t sue for defamation or liable because of the original defamation. What mental gymnastics did you do for that? America sued Saudi’s for 9/11, the Canadian government or PM can easily take them to court and WE would foot the bill, would it be over before election? No, would they PM win? Doesn’t matter, the legal costs alone could be very damaging as the government has deeper pockets, not only that but they would be asserting “dominance” over alleged falsehood, allowing for reasonable doubt.

      If I said something so horrible and false about you in a public forum that it could damage your livelihood or even future would you feel so bad about what I called you, you would walk away? So you wouldn’t have to hear it again? That’s what your saying right now.
      Liberal logic.
      Cognitive dissonance is rife these days.

  11. Allegations, allegations, allegations …
    At least Justin Trudeau was not a pedophile … maybe …
    However we may hold full sanguine expectations that the Canadian people will make a wise elective choice this coming Monday …
    “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” ~~~ H. L. Mencken

  12. I invite everyone to read the fact-checking done on this alleged “inappropriate relationship with a student” at . There is also an exposé by The Star on the Buffalo Chronicle at , in which the article states, “The Star obtained evidence that the owner of the Buffalo Chronicle, In a 2010 email obtained by the Star and BuzzFeed News, [Buffalo Chronicle owner Matthew] Ricchiazzi asked if a local political candidate wanted to purchase content in The City Politic, another website he runs. “Fees are as follows: positive articles about your candidacy are $200; negative articles about your opponents are $400; and an editorial endorsement is $300,” the email read.”

    I can’t say that I trust the Buffalo Chronicle (or The Global Informer, which links to Buffalo Chronicle) as a reliable news source. I am forced to assume that they are being paid to spread damaging (and likely false) rumours about Justin Trudeau. P.S. I am not a very political person, but I feel strongly against those that spread misinformation, for whichever party or individual it may be.

    • Wow such credible sources such as Snopes owned by Disney, the Red Star and Buzzfeed? Not like they have anything to loose (1.2billion). But there are legal options if false, there is defamation or liable civil court cases. Those are much more effective than bought and paid for journalism. But to prove that in a court of law you would have to prove it is false, and not only the PM but the liberal party can sue but won’t for some odd reason. I find it odd as the CBC is currently in a law action with the conservatives for fair use. Trudeau wore a flak jacket because of nothing. You don’t really think they wouldn’t sue if there was nothing there? Even if it was to “stop fake news” for his campaign trail!
      Not only that but what is disproven in all your baitclicks? That the school won’t comment on why he left MIDTERM, but he has given 5 different answers for leaving on record. That he did room with a convicted pedophile, but he won’t answer questions either. No one else involved will comment and the liberal party says nope. Also says there is big fines and jail time for election fraud (RCMP) but they aren’t on this? I wonder why?
      Get a brain and a better vacuum chamber for your ideals as it would help with your cognitive dissonance.

      • Oh sorry I forgot there is the yearbook questions he won’t answer either, this is from True north Canada news in relation to this, But to die hard Liberal voters it’s fake to I guess, cause everyone and everything you don’t like to hear is fake news to the basic liberal voter base.
        Cause the PM who gropes reporters (proven) allegedly (most likely) commits obstruction of justice, fires justice ministers for doing their jobs (Jody Wilson Raybold), the ONLY PM to violate ethics code not only once, but 4 times and says he’s for woman’s rights as long as they shut up and listen to him is obviously the greatest leader Canada has ever saw!

      • Would you trust Agence France-Presse (AFP), the world’s oldest news agency, which also happens to be Facebook’s official fact-checking partner? They also fact-checked this story and found it to be baseless:

        For what it’s worth, I’ve read Snopes for years and find their fact-checking to be orders of magnitude more credible than The Buffalo Chronicle or Global Informer, both of whom refuse to provide any concrete evidence to back up their claims.

        The headmaster of the school (Clive Austin) did provide a statement confirming that Trudeau was not dismissed from the school and parted on good terms. Feel free to look it up.

        Thanks for the personal insults too, which were unwarranted. Take care of yourself.

        • You spammed a comment page with garbage multiple times as a liberal shill. What about this article now is better? France says that Trudeau didn’t stop an article from being published? Still absolutely no facts just baseless picking on Symantecs. Just cause words are on a page dose not mean it holds information. You’ve found 4 now I believe that actually say nothing in facts, just vehemently disagreement. Disagreement without facts won’t win in a court of law no matter what you believe.

          • Are you saying that you believe this Buffalo Chronicle article, which are “words on a page,” but refuse to lend any weight to the other fact-checking articles I’ve provided, because they are just “words on a page”? While I agree that we all need to exercise critical judgement of what we read, we need to apply critical judgement fairly to *all* sources of information, not just those we don’t personally like. Take care.

            • I’ve read all your sites before you linked them, I’ve condensed them in earlier comments, NONE of them actually do any reporting. Most don’t even admit that his roommate and respective teacher in the same institution is a convicted pedophile. They will, similar to grammar nazis with spelling errors, pick small non contextual things to argue as a cornerstone of falsehood, but never actually touch the main issues. That’s modern propaganda or “yellow journalism”. Most don’t admit he left Midterm, the rest don’t say his 5 answers for leaving on record. None actually comment on the discrepancies in his story alone. There is also potential physical proof in the yearbook. All they say is “no comment” and that’s proof enough? Only in Canadian media to the right people.

              Everything else and this aside, based on his PROVEN political record in the past 4 years, he’s lied repeatedly, broken Canadian Federal law, broken ethics code about once per year, condemned rural workers as rapists, disgraced Canada to ALL allies, and spent Canada into deficit until 2050, and none on you unless your a Canadian media company, SNC, or Bombardier.
              What are you pushing SO hard for? What’s in this for you?
              You are a definitely liberal apologist, and are almost fanatical in your defence.

              You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.

      • Maybe but probably not, no payment for commenting. He would create another 10,000 government positions to comment on this site and then turn around and say how they dropped unemployment.

  13. You should be able to publish the father’s name if he was not party to the agreement. Seems kind of fishy if you don’t.

  14. This is incredibly irresponsible journalism. If you can’t post a name OR first hand evidence (like a paper trail) you should not have posted this. If you DO have evidence (not just hearsay and “I saw this document”) then you should post that. This comes off as a baseless attack, or a refusal to go full in. Either way, this is not journalism.

  15. Matthew Ricchiazzi – This article is false. It was fact checked and all the info here is fake. Lawsuits will follow once the elections are over.

  16. Only flaw to this theory is Canada’s Criminal Code and Section 153(1). There isn’t a NDA on the planet that can protect ANYONE, let alone a political prodigy:

    Section 153(1) – Sexual Exploitation
    Every person commits an offence who is in a position of trust or authority towards a young person, who is a person with whom the young person is in a relationship of dependency or who is in a relationship with a young person that is exploitative of the young person, and who (a) for a sexual purpose, touches, directly or indirectly, with a part of the body or with an object, any part of the body of the young person; or (b) for a sexual purpose, invites, counsels or incites a young person to touch, directly or indirectly, with a part of the body or with an object, the body of any person, including the body of the person who so invites, counsels or incites and the body of the young person.


    Need to figure it out on your own?
    1) Spelling error in the headline (“accusor” not “accuser.”)
    2) Picture implies the “accusor” was that little child, and West Grey was a high school.
    3) “The Wealthy Canadian businessman” –who? Trudeau? No, it’s Warren Kinsella who’s been spreading these LIES.
    4) Seems kind of convenient that they can’t provide proof because it will “trigger” the terms of the NDA.
    5) It’s an American news source. In Canada, we have LAWS that prevent people from making shite up.
    6) If this happened in 2000, why was he still working there for the rest of the year?
    7) If this happened in 2000, why wasn’t it uncovered when he first ran in 2015, or any time in the past 19 years?
    8) West Grey has stated (in the past couple of weeks) that he left because he wanted to go back to Montreal, and he did a fine job as a teacher while he was there.

  18. The NAAWP has been keeping a close eye on Mr. Trudeau for the past 18-years and we are well-aware of all of his crimes against the Good Citizens of Canada!

  19. What is compelling, or perhaps an indication that it is all fabricated, is the hint that the student in question is V. Roberts.
    Epstein’s accuser was Virginia Roberts. I can’t find any Canadian connection to her but Trudeau is friends w Prince Andrew and was living w a Child Pornographer while in Vancouver. He.has Pedophile friends and did leave the school only to take lower paying teaching positions in Vancouver before eventually returning to Montreal. Part of the SNC Lavalin scandal is a report that a child wasnprocured from NXIVM in the US to entertain Gaddafi’s son when in Canada

    I don’t doubt the possibility of the affair except that it is quite a bombshell if that student was the same V. (Virginia) Roberts that was Jeffrey Epstein’s sex slave! She met him in Florida

    Perhaps she was there in Vancouver in an arrangement to finish her education? Perhaps it is a different V. Roberts. Perhaps the whole thing was made up? The Blackface scandal may have been a plan to focus our attention away from this allegation? Few answers.& Many questions

    It appears Trudeau is currently on House Arrest however.

    It also appears we might never know the truth, considering the NDA / lack of free press investigative reporting.

  20. it smell … hmm don’t know, but when you think about Dalglish, Ingvaldson (two confirmed pedo criminals) links with him. After that, the hypothetical story about the trudeau’s foundation logo (boy lovers symbolism in pedo criminal records) if it was true, no evidence today, and if true, they changed the logo. Links with John Podesta, who is link with Ghislaine Maxwell (Madam of Jeffrey Eipstein) and his brother Podesta, link with the Pizzagate, so Elefantis has link with Marina Abramovic, links with Bill Gates, Prince Andrew, etc. etc. etc. lol, where it’s end. So, in final, link are everywhere if we look at, we just have to wait with hopes that if anything related to pedo criminality, the justice will do is job some day. But for that, the links have to not be involved in the justice system. So… better to live happy, and not count on a real justice, same if all of this is true, or not. Money is power, medias is power. we are nothing, lol. I’m happy with my wife, my childs, my friends, but it’s not a bad thing to be wake up on some subjects, it’s important if such things are reals, that people talk about them, investigate. Justice is justice, someone, someday, with the necessary power and without any links with that will reveal us the truth, i hope. utopia i think. bye

  21. The “someday justice will be done” is in eternity. God exists: Jesus exists. Earth exists. Heaven exists. Hell exists. But, Hell exists for the unrighteous, unrepentant wicked who reject Christ. So far, Justin Trudeau is one of these unfortunate souls who refuses Gid’s grace.

  22. les commentaires d’Anonymous devraient etre effaces, if you dont have the guts to specifiy your name, get out of this site and the administrators should ban him or her from your site

  23. Shamefull human. Awful example for our youth to see as their leader. For the rest of us older generation he should be shot.

  24. From everything I have read and heard I am quite confident now that Mr Trudeau is up to his neck in pedophilia and much, much worse. The NSA has it all so it’s only a matter of time before all his crimes come out!

  25. Monica must be a Liberal. It’s only circumstance that it was published first by an out-of-Canada publication. The father is quoted, not the daughter; perhaps the father contacted a publication outside of Canada because he knew no Canadian publisher would publish it.
    With everything else Trudeau’s has done and is still doing, nothing about him is unbelievable…

  26. Let’s face facts. We have know Dave Trudeau the sex offending El Presidenta has been at it for years. I know Trudeau’s ex girl friend, she told his real name was Dace Trudeau and he was only called “Just in” because he has absolutely no penis. The reason she said that he liked young children was they could call him Dave.

    Still, now you know why Dave is publicly called Just in.

    Now, arrest him, charge him, convict him, and hang him for treason, child abuse, abuse of public office, insurrection and sedition.

  27. Have to agree with Nytt Land. Just in Trudeau’s case is as sick as it gets. As a retired police officer and former paratrooper I am shocked by the lack of police presence at Just ins home address. The man with a very small penis as Nytt Land says should be hung drawn and quartered for his sickening perversion of innocent children.

    This shows, to me, that the entire judicial system is a slave to the paedophile elites, the police protect them, the courts release them, and the banking elite pay them for their silence.if this doesn’t boil your piss then you must be one of them.

    I call for the immediate arrest of Trudeau, his cabinet, ministers, MPs and all in the consequence chain. All.civil.servants and members of the press and technology companies who suppressed these facts.

    Trump also is one of them and has to be held accountable, he is a swamp pig and if you think he isn’t then why does he want you to have the vaccines? Wake up to these truths.

    No one is coming to save us that is up to us.

    Q and the Q story is as fake as Just ins the man with no penises wife.

    Forget Q and the Marxists, get out and take your country back one arrest and conviction at a time.

    • There is a person of great power gave a young girl a large amount of money that should be investigated And did that cause his brother to kill him self This should have a criminal invetagation take place


  29. In the State of Texas, if one discovers the ongoing rape of any minor or child under the age of consent, (17), any force including lethal force may be used to stop the rape. An adult having sex with a person under the age of consent in Texas is statutory rape. In Texas, Trudeau would be guilty of child rape, (30 years in prison at hard labor). In America we punish rapists severely, unless they are wealthy and well connected. America and Canada have some things in common. Jeffrey Epstein got the death penalty, an extra-judicial death probably to silence him from implicating super rich, politically powerful people, like Trudeau. Trudeau is a filthy little tyrant.

    • Problem is, he’s literally bought media, judges, lawyers, the RCMP, police, politicians & of course, he’s a lauded member of the WEF, which is finally being recognized as a terrorist organization. Once this is universally affirmed & adopted into law, we can lock up all, especially in government, any & everyone who is acting on behalf of the WEF thus committing treason. We must rid our societies of those out to destroy western democracy, the family dynamic, pedophiles, using schools as indoctrination centres & stop using their vernacular, like calling pedophiles ‘minor attracted people.’ No, they’re sick perverts who are criminals in need of being arrested & jailed, put on a list of known offenders so others can be warned & protect their kids.

  30. Obviously someone slipped up with his due dilligence with perv Trudeau!! Who paid for his slip up of 2.5 million bucks? It better have been him and not us or the shit will hit the fan!! Like father like son!! Kick his mangy ass out of office for good!! What a dog!!

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  46. The son of Castro should be forgiven. His mother was/is a nymphomaniac and the apple doesn’t drop far from the tree. With a net worth now of 100’s of millions, Mr. T could buy Cuba, and Canadian’s could holiday free there in the winter.

  47. “A long and steamy affair”…”the relationship”

    THIS is how you describe a grown man RAPING A CHILD?
    What the fuck is wrong with the person who wrote this?

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    • Jenna Quelch “coincidentally” was hired as a policy advisor for the Canadian Govt till late summer 2021. Justin and Sophia were having difficulties that winter which carried on though to their divorce filing Aug 23. Oh, did I mention that Jenna (see West Point Grey Academy) was also working for the WE charity ( or should I say, scandal) before she became the Policy Advisor. What a joke JT is.

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