NY Senate

Ritchie calls for passage of bill to protect emergency responders from being targeted

State Senator Patty Ritchie is calling for the passage of a measure that would close a loophole responsible for allowing the personal information of first responders called to crime scenes to be made available to accused criminals. Included in the

NY Senate

Richie warns constituents to beware of utility scams

BY SENATOR PATTY RICHIE As temperatures drop, utility bills often rise. For many, every penny is critical in ensuring there is gas in the car, food on the table and heat in the home. Unfortunately, during this difficult time for

NY Senate

RICHIE: Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas

BY SENATOR PATTY RICHIE It is hard to believe Christmas is here and that 2019 is drawing to a close. Between the holiday parties and shopping for gifts for loved ones, the season always seems to go too quickly. In

NY Senate

RITCHIE: Ontario shoreline funding is tremendous news

BY SENATOR PATTY RITCHIE Today’s announcement of nearly $88 million dollars for Jefferson, St. Lawrence and Oswego Counties is tremendous news for our shoreline communities that were severely damaged in the wake of this year’s record flooding. The projects receiving

NY Senate

Ritchie: Local Rotarians are helping the world eradicate polio

BY PATTY RITCHIE Across the world, more than 1.2 million people have proudly joined their local chapter of Rotary International.  These people are your neighbors, family, friends and perhaps yourself. The Rotary motto, “Service Above Self,” is meant to inspire members