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A short take on today’s news



–Come support my nephew Tim as Ashker’s unveils “A Collection of works by Timothy Genco” with a reception from 7-9 p.m. Friday. The reception appears to be simultaneous with a presentation on “The Year According to Trees.”

–Emperor Cuomo announced the 2nd phase of his Buffalo Billion shell game as a heckler shouted “Ciminelli is going to flip on you.” Pay no mind. Lots of shiny new things for which we don’t have to pay.…/cuomo-offers-continuation-of-bu…

–The Army Corps and Standing Rock Sioux earlier this week found themselves on the same side in the argument in court against the Dakota Access Pipeline. Boring equipment remains staged, ready to penetrate under the MIssouri River. I don’t know why they call it boring equipment. I think it is interesting.…/article_7e45d0e5-7e49-5a10-b3c…

–The tit-for-tat that has become media coverage of the Trump/Russia relationship took another turn yesterday with salacious rumors that are either totally fabricated and showing how gullible the mainstream media is, or further evidence our President-elect has been compromised or is at least our new golden president is yellow.

–The confusing pistol permit recertification process necessitated by Emperor Cuomo’s SAFE Act has been put in place and simplified. Bob Confer explains.…/how-to-recertify-your-pisto…

–A prescribed burn on a Niagara County grassland was used in December to preserve and enrich the native flora. Interesting stuff.…/fire-used-as-conser…/

–Here’s Rolling Stone’s list of the worst 12 TV shows of all time.…/12-worst-tv-shows-of-all-time…#^eyJocmVmIjoiaHR0cDovL3d3dy5odWZmaW5ndG9ucG9zdC5jb20vIiwiYWRVbml0Ijp7InNlcnZlciI6Im12ZGlyZWN0IiwiaWQiOiIwOGMyZmFmZGEzZGI0NmVkOTkyZmRlMzdkM2JmNzU4ZSJ9LCJwcm9wZXJ0eUlkIjoiTkEtSFVGRlBPU1RVUy0xMTIzODQzNCIsImxhYmVsIjoicGYtIERlc2t0b3AgZnJvbnQgcGFnZXMgLSBtaWQgcmFpbCIsInNlbGVjdG9yIjoiI212LW5hdGl2ZS1hZCIsImNyZWF0aXZlIjoiOWRlMDEyYjMxY2MzNGQxNTk2MTQwMDU4OWQzNjg4NzAiLCJleHBlcmllbmNlVHlwZSI6ImluYm91bmQiLCJleHBlcmltZW50Ijp7ImNyZWF0aXZlIjp7ImV4cGVyaW1lbnRJZCI6IjJiMDhkMGUzZTNhNTQwNjE5MjZiMDNmZTJiNGRmOWE2IiwibW9kZWxJZCI6ImM3MjljNGZiZjk5NjRlYjk5ZjA2N2ZjNjE0NDEyNDZjIn19fQ%3D%3D

–A whale’s lip grooves are as distinctive as fingerprints. It is now believed that’s how whales recognize each other.…/phi-vs-buf/…/01/10/2016020613…

–So new SF Giants closer Mark Melancon previously played with Hunter Pence and introduce him to Bikram yoga. Pence apparently made it through the intense, overheated workout but was so disoriented he backed into a car and knocked off his bumper.…/

–The Sabres played a quiet first period and then blew away the Flyers 4-1 behind Anders Nilsson who is now 5-0-1 in his last 6 home starts.…/phi-vs-buf/…/01/10/2016020613…

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