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A short take on today’s news



John Best wisdom. Hey, is that redundant? “Random thoughts…I’ve heard a few times how people who have been married 50-60 years pass away within a few days or weeks of each other but never a mother-daughter. Upon hearing the news about the passing of Debbie Reynolds I couldn’t help but think there is something tragically beautiful about that. I’m thinking if I had worn a Fitbit during peak season this year they would have accused me of somehow manipulating the numbers. Is it me or is there a growing number of people who don’t know it’s okay to use their headlights in the morning if it’s not light out yet?? Generally speaking, I think New Year’s resolutions are pretty silly in nature but it’s a perfect time to re-evaluate one’s understanding of the ‘human condition’ and how we can positively impact someone’s life. That will be my primary focus for 2017…everything else will take care of itself.”

–I try not to link to the Buffalo News because who needs to take more notice of the bully on the block, but Bucky Gleason’s column about the dearly departed Bruce DeHaven is a fine reminder of how, now matter who we are and what we have, our greatest gifts are a firm handshake, an empathetic ear and a warm smile.…/bucky-gleason-saying-hello-dehave…/

–Not to make it sports twice in a row, but Marv Levy told a Rochester radio station that of course, given the chance, he would consider coaching again. I mean, he’s only 91. The 52-year-old me could kick the ass of every me ever. I admire his spirit.…/marv-levy-would-consider-returning-as…

–”I will never buy a car from Billy Fucillo” I said. “Never dad?” Ben asked. “What’s the story?”
I explained, “he came to town and only bought radio and TV ads. His competitor’s all stopped buying newspaper ads. It helped kill my newspaper and hurt several others.”
“I figured there had to be some personal thing” he said, “‘never’ is a strong word.”

–Here’s to standing on principal: Erin Sidney Welsh canceled her show at the Giacomo because of the Paladino kerfuffle. Don’t worry, you can still go see her in Niagara Falls.

–Booting Carl Paladino because he is a bigoted asshole is an insult to the children in the district who are failed daily by an incompetent administration he has worked to fix. The union paen use to be “what about the children?” For those who put the students first, it still is.

–Beth Menken Genco and I hung out at Way Home during the Ray Lamontagne show with a reviewer David Brendan Hill of Consequence of Sound, a fine Website which just released its list of the Top 50 anticipated 2017 releases. I predict seeing at least 5 of the bands herein live. There are 5 on the list we’ve already seen, including LCD Soundsystem, MMJ and Arcade Fire.…/the-50-most-anti…/full-post/

–Hamell on Trial “Halfway” a straightforward kick-ass rock song. Thanks Scott Snyder.

–Dragonfly Studio is hosting a holistic health fair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 14. Bookmark it now and plan to attend. It will be here before you know it.

–Boyd Curiosity: The only rodent that will eat onions is the groundhog.

–It might be the snowy owls you were watching for, but be attentive. If there are snowy owls around, there are also bound to be rough legged hawks. Both have life cycles tied tightly to the rise and fall of Arctic lemming populations. They also are drawn to irrupt by the wailing sounds of liberals distraught over the Trump victory. (OK, I made that part up)…/exploring-niagara-frontier-roug…

–Serena Williams is getting married and her fiance proposed in a very romantic way. She announced it with a poem on Reddit.…/Serena-Williams-reveals-sweet-propo…

–Former Bills safety Keion Carpenter slipped while playing with his child, hit his head and died. Our time is short. Live each moment because it matters.…/exploring-niagara-frontier-roug…

–The Sabres lost. Can we fire Bylsma already?

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